Acineta barkeri
Massive endangered epiphyte
Acineta barkeri is one of the largest epiphytic orchids of Mexico. Its leaves can grow to more than 60 cm in a similar form to those found in the genus Stanhopea. The pseudobulbs are large and stiff. It produces a pendant inflorecense of one or sometimes two spikes that grow underneath the most recent growth. The racemes can contain anywhere from 10 to 30 yellow flowers with red specs.

It is a cloud forest endemic that grows between 1600 to 1800 meters above sea leveles. It has a very specific habitat as it is a cool/intermediate weather orchid. It grows near rivers and always in assosiation with other epiphytes from the genus Tillandsia or Polyptdoda. The roots of both epiphytes make up a subsitute for the substrate by trapping detritus, organic matter and humidity. This allows them to become some of the heaviest epiphtes in Mexico.

You can help the conservation and our research of Acineta barkeri by purchasing an official Orchidarc shirt with our origial design.
Price: $27 USD (or equivalent) + shipping